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Emotes are an excellent way to enhance and reward your community, add value to your channel subscriptions, and help to increase your income as a streamer and content creator.


After creating over 4000 emotes, and working with over 1000 creators I have a lot of experience creating emotes that are unique and memorable, and suitable for Twitch and other platforms including Discord, Youtube, TikTok, Facebook and Kick.


You can read more about the different emote services I have available here, or scroll down to the gallery to see examples of my work!


Emotes commissioned for specific clients are not available to buy/use.

Emote cards which say 'Premade', 'Pay to Use' or 'Patreon' are all available to purchase as Pay To Use emotes via Gumroad!

All artwork and animation in this gallery is my own except where stated otherwise.

© itsHalfpint
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